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Travel tips
Bari is an Italian town on the South East coast. It has four sections, where the north is the old town, the southern Murat area which is the modern centre with the rest made up of residential zones.
Some of the city's major attractions include its two harbours in the north, and the Cathedral of San Sabino and the Basilica di San Nicola more centrally. The Torre a Mare is a pretty and sandy beach on the edge of the city, and it is lined with restaurants and ice cream parlours.
For a family day out, the Miragica theme park has 23 attractions including roller coasters, water slides, a 4D cinema, free fall towers and children’s playgrounds, whereas Aquapark has an assortment of slides, wave pools and fun pools designed for children of all ages. Other interesting places to visit in the region are the medieval town of Ostuni, and the ancient Canosa di Puglia temple.
Sgagliozze is a Bari street food speciality and a local alternative to polenta, and the Pizza di patate e prosciutto is a bread and flour free potato pie which comes with a variety of fillings.
Anyone wanting to visit Italy will find that Bari, and the Apulia region in general, will not disappoint.
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