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Camping Lamego

Lamego, Nord

Camping Lamego
Camping Lamego

Camping Lamego

Lamego is a Portuguese city that belongs to the district of Viseu in the North region, Douro sub-region. It’s located in the south shore of the Douro river.

It has 8 848 residents, which makes it the second biggest city in the district.

It’s the head of a municipality with an area of 165,39 km² and 26 691 inhabitants, being subdivided in 18 parishes.

The city’s main activities are services, some commerce and specially agriculture. This last one represents a great source of wealth, mainly due to the wine making, since Lamego, as well as the other cities in the region, is integrated in the Região Demarcada do Douro (Douro’s Demarcated Region). This way, besides the production of Vinho do Porto, it’s clear the commitment to produce table wines with Denominação de Origem Controlada (DOC) as well as sparkling wine.

Lamego is considered a historical and monumental city, thanks to its greats monuments and Manor houses. It is also a very religious (Catholic) place, having its own diocese, bishop and cathedral, as well as lots of churches, chapels and even a seminary.
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