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Camping Costa do Vizir

Sines, Alentejo

Camping Costa do Vizir
Camping Costa do Vizir

Camping Costa do Vizir

Discover Costa do Vizir, a campsite located in Porto Covo, in the Alentejo department, and relax in the heart of nature. Guaranteed absolute rest, this oasis of peace is located between the green plains and the crystalline waters of the sea.

Leave your suitcases at the Costa do Vizir campsite and recharge your batteries! Here a great number of activities are proposed to rejuvenate you and leave you at the top of the form. You have, among other things, a swimming pool or yoga / tai chi classes to entertain you at the campsite.

Do you want to live your stay intensely? Go on an adventure and indulge in countless nautical activities such as surfing, scuba diving or boating. Discover the curiosities of this region where past and present are confused. Immortalize among others the Roman ruins of Miróbriga (30 km) or the castle of Sines (15 km).

Take time to visit the zoo, birdwatching or jeep, on horseback, by bike or walk through the field. Leave behind the charm of the Arab nights from your walks with concerts and shows.
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